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Hoist Fitness Logo

More about Hoist Fitness

HOIST Fitness is a USA, San Diego, California based company. With over 45 years of experience they produce premium strength training products as well as excercise bikes.

We worked with Hoist to bring the ROC-IT line to Ascendancy Fitness in our recognisble purple colour, the HOIST Fitness System’s Ride Oriented Circuit Interval Training (ROC-IT) line is the culmination of research and technology to understand human movement and the design of equipment to effectively fit the human body in motion - and from the moment we tried this equipment we had to ensure we brought it for our members to enjoy.

Specifically the Hoist Roc-IT bicep curl - we love how it allows you to isolate the biceps, move in a strict motion under cable resistance, without overloading your back.

Hoist Fitness / Ascendancy Case Study

Hoist Gym Equipment at Ascendancy

Hoist Roc-It Bicep Curl (Selectorised)

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